From Antient times no master or fellow could be absent from his Lodge, especially when warned to appear at it, with incurring a severe censure unless it to the Master and Wardens that pure
necessity hindered it - Antient Charge.


St John the Baptist Lodge No. 39
(Founded 1732)


Thursday 28th November 2019 at

The Freemasons' Hall, Gandy Street, Exeter, EX4 3LS
at 6.30 o'clock p.m.

Labour of the Lodge

To confirm the circulated minutes of the last regular meeting

To read the Ancient Minutes

To read the bye Laws

To elect a Worshipful Master for the ensuing year : Bro T.I.A nominated. Rule 105a Applies

The Treasurer to inform the brethren there will be no increase in fees this year... under Bye Law 4c

To elect a Treasurer for the ensuing year : Bro N.A.T nominated. Rule 112a Applies

To elect a Representative to the Provincial Grand Lodge Committee of General Purposes

To elect two Accounts Examiners

To determine a Notice of Motion given by W.Bro R.J.S. at the last regular lodge held on 31st October 2019 that a sum of money (yet to be agreed) be paid out of the Deserving Causes Account to Masonic & other Organisations supported by the Lodge

To receive a report of the Permanent Committee

To transact such other business as the Worshipful Master may bring before the Lodge.

In memory of W.Bro H.P to perform the ceremony of the Loving Cup

Dark Suit and white Gloves


Refreshment after Labour
In order that adequate dining arrangement can be made Brethren are invitied to joint the Permanent Diners, Alternatively they may email their Dining Steward requirement to dine.stjtb39@gmail.com

NO LATER than 1800Hrs on Friday 22th November 2019

Meeting of the Permanent Committee
On Friday 13
th December 2019 at 6.30pm.
