Our History

Several Brethren residing in and about the City of Exeter, petitioned the then relatively new Grand Lodge of England (formed in 1717) for permission to constitute into a regular Lodge. A deputation was duly granted, by the then Grand Master, Anthony Brown, Lord Viscount Montaque, dated the 11th July 1732 and signed by the Grand Secretary Will Reid, the Deputy Grand Master Thomas Batson and the two Grand Wardens, Geo. Rooke and Ja. Smythe. This document which bears no number or name states;


“Whereas a petition has been presented to us and signed by several Brethren residing in and about the City of Exeter humbly praying that they may be constituted into a regular Lodge”.


“These are therefore to empower and authorise our Rt Worshipful and welbeloved Brethren John Bury esq. and Mr Thomas Jeffreys or either of them to convene our Brethren at Exeter aforesaid who have signed the said petition and that the said John Bury esq. and Mr Thomas Jeffreys do in our place and stead constitute a regular Lodge in due form (they the said John Bury esq. and Mr Thomas Jeffreys taking special care that they and every of them have been regularly made Masons) with like privileges as all other regular Lodges do enjoy”.

Our Team

As we do not print our lodge officers on our summons, here is a list 

Lodge Officers for 2023, Here at St JOHN the BAPTIST Lodge No39

Worshipful Master D.A.K ........(380th Master of this Lodge)

Bro J.D H...............Senior Warden

Bro D.S.W...............Junior Warden

W.Bro T.I.A...............Chaplain

W.Bro N.A.T...............Treasurer

W.Bro M.B.T...............Secretary

W.Bro C.J.P...............Director of Ceremonies

W.Bro S.C.M...............Almoner

W.Bro S.C.M...............Charity Steward

W.Bro A.L.W...............Mentor

Bro A.M.J.P...............Senior Deacon

Bro A.H.W...............Junior Deacon

W.Bro B.R.W...............Assistant Director of Ceremonies

W.Bro I.T.G...............Organist

W.Bro A.L.W...............Assistant Secretary

Bro J.C...............Inner Guard

W.Bro N.A.T...............Dining Steward

W.Bro N.AT...............Tyler